Introductory Geosciences II (GEOL 1122), Department of Geology & Physics

Fall 2002

Dr. Samuel T. Peavy
Office: 208 Roney
Phone: (229) 931-2330


This web page contains information on Dr. Peavy's Introductory Geology lecture.  Use the following links to explore your planet!

Course related links:

For Class:
Course Syllabus -- CRN 8090

Note: You must enable Java script for quizzes to work properly!

Chapter 1 Quiz
Relative Time Quiz
Quiz on Chapter 17
Quiz on the Geologic Time Scale
Quiz of Plate Tectonics
Quiz on Geologic Structures

Sedimentary Environments Lab
Geology of Georgia Lab

Plate Tectonics Lab
Past Plate Motions

Read about Mendel and inheritance
Read about Morgan and his friends, Drosophilae
Read about the discovery of the Structure of DNA
Learn more about Darwin and the Galapagos Islands
Read about Darwin's Finches
An evolutionary and geologic time line...
Visit the USGS Fossil site
Visit the Royal Ontario Museum's Fossil site
Visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology
Quiz on Fossils and Evolution

The History of the Universe timeline
A very cool Virtual Reality Solar System (NOTE: Needs Viscape to work!)
NASA on the Planets web site (see links at bottom of page)
The Doppler Effect explained
The Expanding Universe
Quiz on Chapter 19

View fossils from our collection
Here are some more fossil pictures for review
Take a quiz on Precambrian times
Take a quiz on Paleozoic times
Take a quiz on the first 4.2 billion years of Earth history

Providence Canyon Field Trip, Spring 2001
Providence Canyon Field Trip, Fall 2002

Links to Geology Related Sites:

U.S. Geological Survey