Earth History and Global Change

GEOL-1122   Spring 2015



Name ________________________


PART I ‑ Multiple Choice (50 pts.‑ 2 pts. each)   

**Circle the letter of the best answer.

1) Which of the following would result in an increase in plastic strain?

      a) Increased or higher rates of applied stress

      b) Increased or higher temperatures

      c) Decreased or less lithostatic pressure

      d) All of the above


2) Which of the following structures is formed by compressional stress?

      a) Reverse faults

      b) Thrust faults

      c) Anticlines

      d) All of the above


3) Which of the following is a circular or elliptical structure in which the rocks dip away from the center and the oldest rocks are located in the center?

      a) Anticline

      b) Syncline

      c) Dome

      d) Basin


4) Which of the following statements concerning thrust faults is correct?

      a) They are formed by extensional (tensional) stress.

      b) They are a type of reverse fault.

      c) They result in crustal thinning.

      d) All of the above


5) Which of the following structures form by vertical crustal movement?

      a) Anticlines

      b) Thrust faults

      c) Domes and basins

      d) All of the above


6) Normal faults are commonly found along which of the following plate boundaries?

      a) Divergent

      b) Transform

      c) Convergent

      d) All of the above


7) A measurement used in Structural Geology which is the direction of the line produced by the intersection of an inclined plane (bedding surface or geologic structure) and an imaginary horizontal plane is called:                                     

      a) Strike                                                     

      b) Dip                                                          

      c) Latitude                                                  

      d) Attitude

8) Which of the following is a type of joints formed by thermal contraction (stress)?           

      a) Columnar joints

      b) Exfoliation or sheeting joints                        

      c) Deformation joints                                          

      d) Mesothermal fractures


9) The Basin and Range region of the southwestern United States formed by:

      a) Extensional or tensional stress

      b) Horsts and graben structures

      c) Normal faulting

      d) All of the above


10) Isostatic rebound commonly results from:

      a) Subduction of oceanic rocks beneath continents

      b) Extensive erosion of overlying rocks or melting of ice

      c) Extensive volcanism and thickening of crustal layers

      d) Folding and thrust faulting along continental margins


11) The Coastal Plain of Georgia and the southeastern United States is underlain by which of the following geologic structures?

      a) Anticline

      b) Monocline

      c) Thrust fault

      d) All of the above


12) Which of the following geologic structures would be common in the East Africa Rift area?

      a) Normal faults

      b) Synclines

      c) Thrust faults

      d) All of the above


13) In reconstructing the supercontinents, which of the following boundaries provides the

      most accurate fit and geologic sense?

      a) Shorelines defined by sealevel

      b) Edge of the continental shelf

      c) Base level of the mountain belts

      d) Highest recorded shoreline from geologic past


14) Which of the following geographic locations would be the best place to directly measure

      the rate of plate movement?          

      a) Eastern South America                                           

      b) Iceland                        

      c) Eastern Canada                                                  

      d) Central Antarctica


15) Which rock type or types retain the position of the earth's magnetic field during formation?

      a) Basalt

      b) Granite

      c) Gneiss

      d) All of the above



16) Which of the following is a typical change observed in oceanic crust as you move away from the central ridge or rise?

      a) Decreased heat flow or crustal temperatures

      b) Increased age

      c) Increased sediment thickness

      d) All of the above


17) Which of the following paleomagnetic orientations would be found in a lava flow that formed approximately 10° south of the equator?

      a) Almost vertical downward inclination

      b) Slight upward inclination and a northward compass orientation

      c) Almost vertical upward inclination

      d) Slight downward inclination and a northward compass orientation


18) Magnetic reversals are best studied and measured at which of the following locations?

      a) Subduction zones

      b) Intercontinental mountain ranges

      c) Oceanic spreading ridges and rises

      d) Stable continental margins


19) Which of the following is the most important mechanism for plate tectonic movement?

      a) Subduction zones                                             

      b) Gravity pulling                                            

      c) Mantle convection

      d) Gravity pushing                                        


20) Which of the following statements about the asthenosphere is correct?                           

      a) This layer is close to its melting point but remains solid.

      b) This layer deforms plastically.

      c) It is the mantle layer which allows the rigid overlying plates to move.                 

      d) All of the above.


21) Which of the following statements about the lithosphere is not correct?                

      a) It displays brittle behavior.

      b) It is approximately 100 kilometers (60 miles) thick.

      c) It is the layer where most earthquakes occur.   

      d) The base of the lithosphere is the MOHO or crust-mantle boundary.


22) Which of the following areas is an example of a convergent oceanic-continent boundary?

      a) Western South America

      b) East Africa

      c) Southern California

      d) All of the above


23) Island arcs are associated with which of the following types of plate boundaries?

      a) Convergent ocean-ocean

      b) Oceanic transform margins

      c) Divergent ocean-ocean

      d) All of the above



24) Which of the following is not a typical characteristic of convergent continent-continent

      plate collisions?

      a) Mountain building and crustal thickening

      b) Folding and thrust faulting

      c) Normal faulting

      d) Active seismic activity


25) Benioff Zones are associated with which of the following plate boundaries?

      a) Convergent continent-continent

      b) Convergent ocean-continent

      c) Divergent ocean-continent

      d) Divergent continent-continent


PART II ‑ Fill in the Blank (50 pts. ‑ 2 pts. each question.)


26) The study of the form, arrangement and internal configuration of rocks and regions is called _____________________ Geology.


27) ____________________ is a measurement of force per unit area, while ____________ is a change in the shape and/or size of a material as a result of applied force.


28) A type of linear fold which is concave in the direction of the younger units is called a/an     ___________________________


29) Circular or elliptical anticlinal structures are called ______________.


30) Fractures along which there has been no significant movement are called _______________________.


31) Explain why high grade regional metamorphic rocks commonly display plastic and not brittle strain. ____________________________________________________


32) ___________________ stress results from the weight of overlying rocks, while ___________________ stress is the result of directed force usually associated with plate tectonic collisions.


33) Reverse faults form by ________________ stress and ________________ strain.


34) The study of the distribution of ancient life forms is called ____________________.


35-36) Name two rock types and associated environments that can be used in paleoclimate studies. 

      Rock name _____________________  Environment __________________________

     Rock name _____________________  Environment __________________________


37) What is the name of the mountain range in western Europe that corresponds to the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States? ______________________


38) Describe the geologic event that the widespread Jurassic lava flows represents in the Gondwana Sequence. _____________________________________________


39) The temperature at which a rock freezes in the magnetic orientation of the earth is called the _________________.     This occurs at approximately _________° C.


40) The margin of the Pacific Ocean that is rimmed with active volcanoes and seismic activity is called the _________________________________.


41-46) (12 pts) Complete the following chart describing the major characteristics of plate boundaries.

Boundary Type






Stress Type

(shear, compressional

or extensional)






Fault Type




Nature of


(common or absent)











47-48) Name the five landmasses that were part of Gondwana where similar rock types and fossils of the Gondwana Sequence are used as evidence of Plate Tectonics and previous connection between these areas: _______________________________,

      ______________________________,  ____________________________,

      ______________________________, and ____________________________.


49-50) Describe how mantle hot spots can be used to determine past direction and rate of plate movement.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Extra Credit:  What is the name of the man shown below? ____________________________