Earth History and Global Change

GEOL1122   Spring 2014

Answers for Practice Test #2


1) d                                         10) d                                       19) b

2) a                                         11) c                                      20) d

3) d                                         12) c                                       21) b

4) a                                         13) c                                       22) d

5) d                                         14) a                                       23) b

6) d                                         15) b                                       24) d

7) b                                         16) a                                       25) a

8) a                                         17) d                                      

9) d                                         18) b


26-27) normal; horsts and grabens

28) basins

29) faults

30) anticline

31-32) elastic; plastic

33) monocline

34) Isostacy

35) Glossopteris

36) Wegner

37-38) Hawaiian Islands – The Pacific Plate moves over a stationary mantle hot spot forming volcanic islands that are then displaced by plate movement as new islands subsequently form over the hot spot.

39-41) d) Rock density: increases

      e) Water depths to oceanic crust: increase

      f) Elevation of the oceanic crust: decreases

      a) Crustal temperatures: decrease

      b) Sediment thickness: increases

      c) Rock ages: increase

42-43) a) Precambrian Basement Rock / Jurassic Lava

      b) Cambrian Glacial Till / Permian Shales and Sands

44) Mantle Convection

45) Eastern United States or Eastern North America

46) Benioff Zone

47) Island Arcs

48) San Andreas Fault

49) Iceland or San Andreas Fault

50) Himalaya


Extra Credit: Low Velocity Zone