Earth History and Global Change

GEOL1122   Spring 2014

Answers for Practice Test #1


1) c                                         10) d                                       19) a

2) a                                         11) d                                       20) d

3) a                                         12) b                                       21) d

4) d                                         13) d                                       22) a

5) d                                         14) d                                       23) a

6) a                                         15) b                                       24) b

7) d                                         16) b                                       25) c

8) c                                         17) a                                      

9) b                                         18) a


26) Because they were based on geologic processes that occurred only during part of earth history.

27) biostratigraphy

28-29) a) An abundance of individuals

            b) Easily recognized and distinguished

            c) Limited age range

            d) Widespread geographic distribution

30) Nonconformity

31) electron capture

32) 4.6 Billion Years

33) tree ring dating

34) formation

35) 7.5 Million Years

36) 9 Million Years

37) Mesozoic

38) Cenozoic

39) artificial

40-41) Wisdom teeth or Appendix; pelvis or femur

42) Speciation

43) extinction

44-45) Different structures in different species that resemble one another because they are used for the same purpose (ex. Insect wing and bat wing).

46-47) gradualism; punctuated equilibrium

48) Paleobiogeography

49-50) a) Species produce more offspring than are capable of surviving.

            b) There is substantial variability in the characteristics of the offspring.

            c) Some characteristics are more advantageous.

            d) The advantageous characteristics are more likely passed on to future generations.


Extra Credit: Beagle