Earth Materials, Processes and Environments

GEOL-1121    Fall 2015 (Corrected 10/27)

Answers for Practice Test #3


1. a                                         10. a                                       19. a                                      

2. c                                         11. d                                       20. a

3. b                                         12. d                                       21. c

4. d                                         13. d                                       22. d

5. b                                         14. a                                       23. a

6. a                                         15. c                                       24. a

7. d                                         16. b                                       25. a

8. c                                         17. b

9. a                                         18. c


26) the study of earth materials, processes and environments

27) texture and composition

28-30) See the metamorphism pressure-temperature chart in your notes.

31-32) protolith composition and conditions of metamorphism

33-34) 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer; 125 degrees Celsius

35) Because rocks are such good insulators.

36) Because it forms over such a wide range of temperatures and pressures.

37) Granoblastic

38) Mylonite

39) elastic; brittle

40) liquefaction

41) Mercalli Scale

42) Focus, epicenter

43) S-waves are blocked and P-waves are strongly refracted (bent).

44) Asthenosphere or Low Velocity Zone

45) Because of the Ring of Fire and the subduction along the rim.

46-47) fires, floods, landslides, and tsunamis

48) Because rocks behave plastically at depths greater than 100 km due to the high temperatures and pressures.

49-50) It was a small earthquake close to the seismic station.


Extra Credit: Benioff