Earth Materials, Processes and Environments

GEOL-1121    Fall 2015

Answers for Practice Test #1


1. b                                          10. d                                       19. b                                      

2. d                                          11. c                                       20. d

3. c                                          12. c                                       21. a

4. b                                          13. c                                       22. b

5. c                                          14. d                                       23. b

6. a                                          15. a                                       24. b

7. a                                          16. d                                       25. a

8. b                                          17. c

9. d                                          18. d


26-27) electron shells; nuclei

28) atomic number; atomic mass

29) charged atoms formed by gaining electrons

30) Because they display similar properties and occurrences.

31-32) a) high

            b) moderate

            c) low

            d) malleable

33-34) sharing oxygen atoms; adding cations; They result in different types of cleavage.

35-36) no impurity – clear color – water quartz

iron impurity – purple color – amethyst

titanium – pink – rose quartz

water – white – milky quartz

37) Silica and oxygen are the two most abundant elements.

38) pyrite or galena

39-40) It is proposed sequence of different silicate minerals that form and change in a cooling magma.

41) silica and oxygen

42) texture and composition

43-44) phaneritic; slow intrusive cooling

45) cooling rate and magma viscosity

46) olivine and pyroxene ( or pyroxene and amphibole)

47) assimilation

48) peridotite

49) scoria and pumice

50) Intrusive slow cooling of water-rich magma



Extra Credit: Ring of Fire